Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I'm an Argentine skirt chaser

I'm in Argentina for the year and it's awesome. There are loads of hot men and sexy women, dulce de leche, and clothes! Although there are a lot of awesome finds here, pack mentality rules. Think: royal purple, harem pants, and camel toe shoes. Yep. Anyway, I've found some beautiful things- especially skirts.

Skirt, Las Pepas

Flashy, but 100% cotton and really light

Cost: $60 pesos, just a little under $20 USD

Skirt, La Coquette

Jesus not included.

Cost: $100 pesos, around $30 dollars

The skirts are pretty wild and I'm not too much of a risk taker, so I paired them with black leggings and a black top.


  1. Qué lindo - vos sos tan blogadora, Claire. Quiero ver más - che, ¡podríamos andar por palermo los findes y tomar fotos de gente para hacer un 'fashion del finde' do's y dont's!

  2. Una cosita más: no entiendo el título.
